Opening Conference of the Thematic Semester on “Commodity Derivatives Markets: Industrial Organization, Regulation and Financialization”

AfficheA3-ThematicSemester-DerivativesMarkets_v8d-vectored26-27 March 2015 – Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP), Paris

To launch the thematic semester, the opening conference will aim to show the state of the art and especially to identify new research problems. Special emphasis will be given to the identification of unsolved problems.

Program, practical information and online registration

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1/ Opening Conference

26-27 March 2015 – Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP), Paris

IHP_FACADEThe opening conference aimed to show the state of the art and especially to identify new research problems. Special emphasis was given to the identification of unsolved problems. (more…)

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