Category Archives: Conferences

MATS Seminar Spring 2024

MATS Seminar // 15 May 2024 // Collège de France The MATS Seminar was held at Collège de France (11 place Marcelin Berthelot, Paris) on May 15, 2024.

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Applications of Mean Field Games From Models to Practice

November 16-19, 2021, IMSI, Chicago The paradigm of Mean Field Games (MFG) has become a major connection between distributed decision-making and stochastic modeling. Starting out in the stochastic control literature, it is gaining rapid adoption across a range of industries. The … Continue reading

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Journées-ateliers du Laboratoire FiME

22-23 septembre, 2021, EDF Lab, Palaiseau Des « Journées-ateliers » du laboratoire FiME ont eu lieu les 22 et 23 septembre dans les locaux d’EDF à Palaiseau et ont réuni environ 70 personnes sur deux jours.

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Summer school on Distributed Control: Decentralization and Incentives

June 14-18, 2021, CIRM (Luminy, France) We are living in an era of technology explosion. While resources, products and information become increasingly accessible to common users, the individuals nowadays are more aware than ever of their own right, and more capable … Continue reading

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Conference on Commodities, Volatility, and Risk Management The Impacts of Trade Restrictions, Market Imperfections, and Green Finance

13-15 May 2019, Université Paris-Dauphine The conference will cover commodity pricing and risk management, viewed through the prisms of market imperfections and environmental concerns. The main focus is on agricultural and energy markets, with specific themes intended to shine light … Continue reading

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Conference “Advances in Modelling and Control for Power Systems of the Future”

Conference CAESARS 2018 September 5-7 2018 – EDF Lab, Palaiseau In electrical system, strong evolutions are under way that will change deeply the organisation of the whole sector in the short and long term horizon: quick development of renewable technology, volatile … Continue reading

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“Des Mathématiques de la décision aux jeux à champ moyen”

Conférence en l’honneur de Jean-Michel Lasry  27 JUIN 2018 – Université Paris Dauphine #JML70 Le programme de la conférence en l’honneur de Jean-Michel Lasry pour son 70e anniversaire fait écho à la riche carrière scientifique de celui-ci, mêlant divers champs des mathématiques … Continue reading

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Thematic Semester “Statistics for Energy Markets”

The large-scale development of renewable energy production prompts us to rethink the structure of the modelling of pricing processes and how we conceive financial risks in the energy markets. Because this development accentuates the impact on market prices of global … Continue reading

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Mean Field Games and Related Topics #4

Chiostro di S. Pietro in Vincoli, Rome June 14-16, 2017 Mean field games theory describes the equilibria in strategic interactions of a large number of rational agents. In the recent years, this research area has been rapidly spreading in several … Continue reading

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PDE and Probability Methods for Interactions

Sophia Antipolis (France) – March 30-31, 2017 The conference PDE and Probability Methods for Interactions will be held at Inria, on the French Riviera, March 30-31, 2017. The goal of this conference is to exchange ideas on new trends in PDE … Continue reading

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Jeux à champ moyen – Bilan et perspectives

par Pierre-Louis Lions 16 juin 2016, Abbaye des Vaux de Cernay Présentation donnée dans le cadre des journées ateliers FiME à l’Abbaye des Vaux de Cernay. Lien vers la video (vimeo)  

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Journées ateliers FiME

Abbaye des Vaux de Cernay 16-17 juin 2016 L’objectif de ces deux journées était de faire le point sur les travaux conduits au sein de l’IdR FiME, les résultats déjà obtenus et les perspectives de développement de ces travaux. Les travaux … Continue reading

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Thematic Semester on “Commodity Derivatives Markets: Industrial Organization, Regulation and Financialization”

Information related to the thematic semester on « Commodity Derivatives Markets » and the closing conference to be held in Paris on November 6th can be found on the following website:  

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Thematic Semester on “Commodity Derivatives Markets:
Industrial Organization, Regulation and Financialization”

This project aims to examine recent developments in commodity derivatives markets. The changed industrial organization and the financialization of these markets are major phenomena, both of which call for changes in regulation. Organized from March to November 2015, the thematic … Continue reading

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Mean Field Games and Related Topics (3)

June 10-12 2015, Paris (Institut Henri Poincare) The meeting will be a continuation of the workshops on Mean Fields Games and Related Topics, held in Rome (May 12-13 2011) and Padova (September 4-6 2013). Further information on the Conference website The … Continue reading

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Some PDE Methods in Mean Field Games Theory

A Course by Professor Alessio Porretta From March 9th to April 16th 2015 Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP), Paris Mean field games theory was initiated by J.-M. Lasry and P.-L. Lions since 2006 in order to describe control processes with large number … Continue reading

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Opening Conference of the Thematic Semester on “Commodity Derivatives Markets: Industrial Organization, Regulation and Financialization”

26-27 March 2015 – Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP), Paris To launch the thematic semester, the opening conference will aim to show the state of the art and especially to identify new research problems. Special emphasis will be given to the … Continue reading

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Les Nouveaux Outils du Développement Durable

Conférence Les Nouveaux Outils du Développement Durable : Méthodes Quantitatives pour l’Economie et la Finance de l’Energie et des Ressources Naturelles Université Paris Dauphine – Salle Raymond Aron – 24 & 25 octobre 2013 L’objectif de cette conférence est de … Continue reading

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Journée de la Chaire FDD et du Laboratoire FIME

6 décembre 2011 – EDF R&D – site de Clamart Cette journée consacrée à la présentation des travaux de recherche réalisés dans le cadre de la Chaire Finance et Développement Durable et du Laboratoire de Finance des Marchés de l’Energie … Continue reading

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Trading & Micro structure “Focus on High Frequency Market Making”

September 9th 2011, 9h30 – 12h30 Collège de France – 3 rue d’Ulm – 75005 PARIS The goal of the workshop is to be a forum for confronting viewpoints between practicioners and academics on topics related to developments in the area of market microstructure … Continue reading

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